Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kids....Frugal or Not?

I often hear that people don't "want" more kids because they think "they" cost too much. I have thought much about this. Yes, children do cost money...they eat and need clothes. I will not deny that my food bill has increased since we have grown our family! That is a burden financially...but it's expected. You expect to buy clothes for children, but there are ways to cut costs. It saddens me to think that people use this as an excuse to not follow the will of God. I thought I would list just a few things that I could think of that people could use as an excuse that kids cost too much, and a way to avoid the cost.
Babies: could buy used, wear hand downs, and what I do is buy neutral colors so they can be shared between sexes.
Baby food....make your own! Those jars cost a lot!
Gerber Bottled Juices....just water down the juice your whole family drinks.
Bibs....a dish towel works great!
special shampoo.....teach them to close their eyes and look all use the same shampoo!
special bodywash....we all use the same soaps...either bar soap or a "regular" smelling bodywash. Babies should use something more gentle.
Toothpaste....we all use the same as soon as child can spit out what's in their mouth!
Toys....children who are close to the same age don't all need the same toy...they can share! I know a lady who buys all of her girls and then the boys the same toy so they don't have to share.
Toys....try not to buy gender specific toys, they can all play with them!
Clothes...again, hand downs, used, and for instance....plain white turtleneck shirts can go for either boy or girl under sweaters for added warmth. We have had the same set of turtlenecks around here for years!!!
Bedding....don't buy "kid" bedding...plain is best as it can be passed around from child to child.
McDonald's....yup, we all eat there from time to time! People always ask us how we afford it. They think that everyone gets a happy meal! Not so much. A few times a year, yes. This is how I do it for the kids....on the cheap! I get them all a $1 sandwich...and a few boxes of fries to share, a few drinks to share (I split them up into cups)....and there you have it! don't need everything they WANT!
We need to remember that children and a gift and not a burden! Yes, they do cost some money...everything does...but people make it seem much more than it needs to be!
Those are just a few ideas I had....share yours!

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Kim! Yes, having children can be expensive..if you do the whole modern view of the purpose of children.

    You know, fancy clothing in amounts that are more than what they need..tons of activities, entertainment, technology, all the latest toys, disposable diapers, formula, day care, college funds, a car for them, etc.

    However, when you live differently yourself..not in debt, not keeping up with the Joneses, the kids learn that, as well!

    We live on a strict budget, and God is continually providing and blessing!
