Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Fall Centerpiece
I was looking around....trying to figure out what I could make into a fall centerpiece....this is what we came up with! I love it! I love that it was free! I love that Rob helped me with it! We saw in a magazine that people decorated with chunks of tree trunk, we thought it was out came the chainsaw....and this is what we ended up with.
I pray that the people who gather around this table will share the love of the Lord and we will have sweet and godly fellowship this Thanksgiving. I pray that they will all be able to feel God's love for them...and be thankful.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Object Lesson From God!
Yesterday we were doing our family devotional....titled..."Temporary Treasure"...the scripture reading to go along with it was Matthew 6:19-21....the devotional was about how we need to not hold tight to our earthly treasures....but work to store up treasures in heaven. It spoke of how we are to handle ourselves when things that we hold dear get broken or lost. (this is a children's devotional) I was turning the page I looked at my left diamond had fallen out of my wedding ring! Next to my Bible, my wedding ring is my moset "prized" possesion! I was upset...but this even was a gift from God! It was the perfect object lesson! I got all the kids around and within 2 minutes Kate (my 5yr old) found my little rock...on the throw rug in the kitchen! that was such a God thing! I then was able to sit down with the kids and explain how that really tied in with what the Word tells us. I'll bet that they will have that piece of scriputre hidden in their hearts due to God's object lesson!
By the way....I am getting my ring re-set and re0sized next week for about $ not too bad!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Kids....Frugal or Not?
I often hear that people don't "want" more kids because they think "they" cost too much. I have thought much about this. Yes, children do cost money...they eat and need clothes. I will not deny that my food bill has increased since we have grown our family! That is a burden financially...but it's expected. You expect to buy clothes for children, but there are ways to cut costs. It saddens me to think that people use this as an excuse to not follow the will of God. I thought I would list just a few things that I could think of that people could use as an excuse that kids cost too much, and a way to avoid the cost.
Babies: could buy used, wear hand downs, and what I do is buy neutral colors so they can be shared between sexes.
Baby food....make your own! Those jars cost a lot!
Gerber Bottled Juices....just water down the juice your whole family drinks.
Bibs....a dish towel works great!
special shampoo.....teach them to close their eyes and look all use the same shampoo!
special bodywash....we all use the same soaps...either bar soap or a "regular" smelling bodywash. Babies should use something more gentle.
Toothpaste....we all use the same as soon as child can spit out what's in their mouth!
Toys....children who are close to the same age don't all need the same toy...they can share! I know a lady who buys all of her girls and then the boys the same toy so they don't have to share.
Toys....try not to buy gender specific toys, they can all play with them!
Clothes...again, hand downs, used, and for instance....plain white turtleneck shirts can go for either boy or girl under sweaters for added warmth. We have had the same set of turtlenecks around here for years!!!
Bedding....don't buy "kid" bedding...plain is best as it can be passed around from child to child.
McDonald's....yup, we all eat there from time to time! People always ask us how we afford it. They think that everyone gets a happy meal! Not so much. A few times a year, yes. This is how I do it for the kids....on the cheap! I get them all a $1 sandwich...and a few boxes of fries to share, a few drinks to share (I split them up into cups)....and there you have it! don't need everything they WANT!
We need to remember that children and a gift and not a burden! Yes, they do cost some money...everything does...but people make it seem much more than it needs to be!
Those are just a few ideas I had....share yours!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Provision....the Frugal Kind
On a frugal note...this is CHEAP food! He buys his hunting tags...I don't really know how much it is...not a lot. Other people we know shoot and give us the deer. We process our own meat. Super cheap eats! That along with the produce we can from the garden...and we will have some nice meals this winter!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Big Stuff & Deep Thoughts
I KNOW the answers to many of those questions, if not all of them. I have been a saved person for some time, I read my Bible I have found the answers in the Good Book. So, like I said I KNOW my head...but as you can see this is where my heart has been left. Such weak faith. God is using this time of pain to grow and mold me. For instance, last night a lady I have never met before was talking to me (our church had a Fall Fest for the kids) and she asked me if i have a hard time loving my adopted kids like my own birth kids....she thought she would have trouble with that! My jaw hit the floor...and I said "no"...they are ALL my kids! This pained my heart...was this true? At the, that's not true! I did struggle! I have a child who will kill me! that was hard to deal first. Now, I do love them all the same and I can say that am I so transparent? How could she see that? Why am I ashamed to admit that? Maybe the Lord was directing her to adopt, maybe He wanted me to share. So, share I did. Maybe I sounded like a crazy person...this is what happens...I share our story and peopke say.."oh, you are a saint to adopt abused kids"....ha! What a joke! I am FAR from it! I am just a vessle the Lord is using to help these has nothing to do with "me"! But God is using this to grow me. I should not be ashamed of that growth....where I was and now where I am. Shame on me. We had an issue with our oldest daughter. A BIG one. I was ashamed. Why? It was her choice...she is my child, yes, but more than that she is my sister in Christ. God has shown me that she makes choice, I make choices, we have to live with the ones we make. she is responsible for herself ( as far as her choices, when she is sinning anyway). You see, she did something that she knew was not honoring to God...and her sin bit her in the butt! I'm glad. It has hurt, still does....but it's not about me. I pray that we can all grow and learn from this. I pray we can move forward. I pray the changes we have made as far as rules and restrictions will honor my Father. Life is tricky. Life is short. Life is for growing. Praise the Lord!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Frugal Art Class
Friday, October 21, 2011
Home Improvments

With cold weather coming there is much to do around here! We need to winterize the house and barns...but also, it's home improvement time! This is exciting and frustrating all at the same time! LOL...our house is OLD, and when you try to do any sort of improvement you can count on finding at least 5 things that make you want to cry! LOL. So far, in every room that we have tried to fix we have found crazy electrical work, crooked walls, not properly patched holes, one room of our house is built with boards one on top of the next...and the boards have bowed, so our wall bows's a strong room, I think it was the first room built. Our home started out MANY years ago as a one room "cabin"...and slowly people added to it to make it a farmhouse. Whoever built on to it didn't do it for looks, it must have been just to have space for a family to live. Then, about 30 years ago, my uncle built the upstairs portion...and did a very poor job. Soft floors, uneven everything...the house has settled so much there are cracks in the ceilings and get the picture! It's a work in progress! We are going to tackle two projects this winter...the mud room and the downstairs bathroom. Should be interesting as these are both part of the very old, original part of the house. I wonder what we will find! It's been fun to see the newspaper that they used to line things with (walls, floors...i guess it was used for insulation??)...but it's not been fun when you see something you had no clue was under the floor or behind walls that could have burned your house down! LOL...Praise the Lord it didn't! I also have a few smaller things to do, I need to finish some painting projects and paint the family closet room and my pantry. Fun times!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

As of late I have been doing a study on obedience to God. It has been convicting and forcing some soul searching...both for which I am grateful. In the last two weeks I have had two major events come up...My flesh was screaming for me to "take action"...and do SOMETHING! I have learned that the something I need to do is wait. First, I need to be willing to obey God...when He lets me know what course of action to take...I need to say "yes, Lord"...and then comes the hard part...ask Him..."what's next?"...and wait. I have learned that His timing is perfect & I screw stuff up. I am so thankful to have a Bible so I can learn. Each of those situations had nothing to do with me, really...but I was very involved...had I satisfied my flesh and acted hastily, without listening and obeying God step by step, other people's lives would have been effected. It's like a chain reaction.
Today I am not feeling well, so much time will be spent reflecting over what He has taught me...I
Monday, October 17, 2011
Weekly Meal Plan
A frugal tip....PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! It really does save you money. I am trying to cut down on my food budget even more in the next few weeks...wish me luck :0)
1. french toast
2. muffins & smoothie (from homemade yogurt!)
3. eggs & toast
4. homemade granola cereal & toast (or fruit?)
5. pancakes
6. spice cake (either made with rhubarb or zucchini)
7. homemade cinnamon raisin bread
1, Kielbasa, fries & corn
2. tuna melt & celery w/ p.b.
3. ham & cheese sandwich...and a side
4. hot dog casserole & fruit
5. pizza toast & applesauce
6. p.b. & J & apples & grapes
7. toasted cheese & tomato soup
1. Pizza roll (homemade) & green beans
2. hamburgers, potatoes & corn
3. Corndog patties & veggies
4. "stuff" with biscuits on top (we made it up!) & fruit
5. shepards pie & homemade bread
6. spaghetti & homemade garlic bread
7. "shake & bake" chicken, potatoes & veggies
Having a plan that's not too strict helps as I just pick & choose from the above menu...whatever we feel like cooking that day! another bonus...since I am prganized about my meal plans and food shopping...rob takes me on Sundays after church....and we go out for lunch! I'm sure he would not do this if I was just aimlessly walking arounf the store throwing "stuff" into the cart...and then after all of that ask him what he wants for dinner...LOL....he'd rahter stay home if that was the case! Either way....meal planning saves money and might just get you a date!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Frugal Birthday Party
OK....So, let me give you a bit of background about birthdays and what they are here...I learned a VERY valuable lesson when my oldest daughter was turning 2. She was my only child (I was VERY pregnant with #2)...and thought she needed to "have it all"! We spent well over $400 on her birthday that year! We had a huge party...tons of gifts...a cake special ordered from another town, a new outfit for the birthday girl, and spent tons of time and money on decorations. This is how that party went....guests came, ate, made a mess, didn't look at the decorations, Ashley opened gifts that she never really played with, fell face first into her fancy cake and screamed her head off...and as I was rushing around in a frantic state to make sure everything was "just so" pants nearly fell down...for real! (gotta love well used maternity pants, right!) I literally dropped the plate of food I was carrying to pull up my get the picture...oh yeah...and my step-SIL told me I had ugly hair! Whew....that was worth $400, right??
This is now how we "do"'s VERY low-key! I spend less than $5 on decorations...usually $1 for a tablecloth in the child's favorite color...and a treat for each spot at the table...and the rest of the decor is FREE! It may be cheezy...but kids DO NOT care about decorations! I think they would be sad if there were none, but they don't care what they actually are as long as it "looks" like a party to them! I put the gifts in the middle of the table (they get as many gifts as years old they are), I color and hang up coloring sheets in any "theme" they choose, and make a homemade birthday banner. They get to choose whatever homemade meals they would like to have that day, and what dessert they would like. Only a few of my kids like cake...they choose ice cream, pie, candybars...all different things! We don't have a single person over, and they still have to do school. We like birthday's, but we keep them in perspective...and cheap! I have never had a kid cry because they hated their birthday, so I guess we are doing ok!
The birthday pictured above was thrown yesterday for the little girl I babysit. It looks just the same as it would if it were one of my own kids. I think I spent around $10 for the whole thing...
decor...was only $1 for the table cloth as I decorated the table with her gifts, and stuff I had here
gifts...she turned 5 so she got 5 gifts...
1. movie, already had...Colton got a double for Christmas (Dora)
2. 10 commandments book (I buy the surprise packs from CBD and then hand out the stuff for gifts whenever I need one)
3. Dora coloring book $1
4. Play jewlery $1
5. A set of dolls $5
She had a brownie "dessert" the candles I had
She had the time of her life, the girls all dressed up in princess dresses....who could ask for more!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I Can't Comment!
I wanted to let you all know that Blogger won't let me comment on anyone's blog! I try...I want to comment....I just can't! Sorry! I am reading and enjoying....just can't join in. If anybody knows how to fix this issue...please let me know :0)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Frugal School Tip

It has always irritated me to have to re-buy a grade worth of books that I had already bought once...we use a lot of books that are consumable. I buy a ready made package of curriculum for a very cheap price, and they come in mostly consumable workbook type books. I love the curriculum, the price is SO right, and it really works for us! Again, not thrilled about spending money for something I already paid for more than me crazy! LOL. So, this is what I did and it works very well....I just tore all the pages out of each consumable book and put them in a binder with page protectors. The kids don't write in them, they just simple use a notebook! This is a HUGE savings....I will teach (for instance) 6th grade at least (still praying for more kids!) 7 times. I paid $206 for 6th grade curriculum (all subjects...awesome deal!) if I were to buy that same package 7 times (becasue most of the books are consumable, but we like them) it would be paying $1,442 just to teach 6th grade 7 times. I bought it once at $206 and had to buy page protectors and binders...I didn't calculate the exact cost as I had some of the stuff here to do that with...but just say it was around $50 for supplies....that makes the curriculum now cost $256 for gth grade wich will be reused to teach all the kids....that's a savings of....$1,186! I'm sure some of you have better curriculum that can be re-used...but this is what I have found works for us! :0)
Blessings on your day!
Monday, October 10, 2011
you know something.... I have waited, watched, and prayed for this to happen....and it did~ God is SO good~ our family has finally, really and truly, blended! I no longer see birth siblings gravitating to each other, I no longer see that when we ask them to stand or sit together as a group, birth siblings always stuck to each other. I no longer see the birth sibling groups always watching their own siblings to make sure they are OK. they no longer ask to make SURE their OWN birth sibling will also have a snack...they are blended. They are all mixed together. We are a true and real FAMILY! Praise the Lord!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Look At Me

I have a little issue I wanted to talk (vent) about....I was at Walmart last night and was walking along, quietly talking with my oldest son, and we hear this mom YELLING at her child...child is running away know the scene. What I wonder is why do people do that?? Nobody wants to hear all of that! I am not judging her parenting skills or some of you know I have a child with RAD and we know what bad behaviour in public looks like :0) ( Savannah is doing MUCH better these days, just in case you were wondering!) What I want to know is what makes people think it's OK to be so LOUD in public?? It changes the atmosphere and your experience when you have to hear a loud adult screaming at a child. My son quickly looked away, although I'm sure, as a child, he wanted to stare to see what was going on...and he tensed up. Not cool. There are ways to get your child's attention while in public (or at home!) without even saying a word! I have trained my kids to listen to me...but when they are out of line, I need to let them we do this is.....I taught them that when they hear me QUIETLY clear my throat...I WILL HAVE ALL EYES ON ME....NOW! I then just simply make eye contact with the offender...they goes on. And NOBODY heard or knows anything at all happened! this leaves the people around us happy...the child happy as they were not just humiliated...and me happy because I just didn't fall into the sin of anger :0) Spread the shouldn't yell at your kids in public (or at home!) makes an unwanted scene!!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Frugal Bathroom and Family Closet
This is what my shower curtain looks like. Nothing fancy...I recently got it at Walmart...I had another one up that was pretty...but I wanted it to be brighter!
Here you see our washer and husband bought these before we were married! We have done minor repairs, but they still work just fine! On the shelf above the washer and dryer is where I put my donations (tall white hamper), my mate-less sock bin ( my dryer snacks on socks!), cleaning supplies for the bathroom, and laundry soap/vinegar.
This shot shows my homemade curtain...again from a bed sheet...the things hanging on the wall are glass star things....they were given to us (they are cool up close!), the potty, and the vanity & mirrors. the vanity and mirrors were given to us by Rob's dad...they are the same ones he had growing up...FREE :0) They need to either go soon or be repaired...but for today, they are fine :0)
This is the scary part!!! the family closet...EEK! Each person has a shelf with 4 baskets. A shirt basket, a pants/skirts basket, underwear basket, and a p.j. basket. They may not have more clothes than fits in the baskets! Mine are the fullest...and I have 2

My husband and Ashley keep their clothes here....shelves right by the "secret room" kiddos call it that! LOL....I think that's a hoot!
this system REALLY REALLY REALLY works for us!! below this last photo is where we have our dirty clothes it's easy as pie....everyone showers, and changes in the clothes leave this room (except for the ones you would be wearing!)...they are washed, folded, and put away all in the same room! How easy and efficent is that!! The family laundry room was all free! Rob built all the shelves out of stuff we had around! It really could use some paint....or something....but it's what works... beauty wouldn't get my laundry done, right?
Meal time Filler
Frugal Living Room/ Play Room
First, you must stop and take a good looong look at "Bucky"...our awesome buck rob shot a few years back, it was so cool, he had Ashley (oldest daughter) with him! you see our couches...we have 3...and they were all free :0) Ugly...yup...functional....yup....kid friendly....yup! This room is meant to LIVE in...and we DO! I wanted pillows for the couch for the cooler weather as the kids lay on the couches with blankets often...I didn't have the money to buy, until I can find time to make some, these will do! The mirror on the wall was a gift, as was the other wall decor for the entire room!
Here you see more of the ugly couches with the cushions on wrong...I do have kids...and this is a play room! LOL...I didn't realize they were this way until seeing the pictures! LOL. Oh well. I made the curtains from a bed sheet...the round table was Rob's grandma's. The candle and wreath on the round table were from Rob's mom...she also made the puzzle on the wall and Rob made the frame. FREE! And you can also see my VERY OLD dog! He is a grump and has decided he doesn't have to follow rules he's on the ugly couch. He's 15 years old! When I'm almost 100 (dogs age fast) I think I might break some rules too! :0)
Here is the toy box!! It's a large cedar chest that was left here when we moved in! It serves very well as a toy box! Rob has screwed the lid to the no injures will occur! We like to have the kids play in THIS room. We usually don't allow toys to be brought thoughout the house. We have had people trip and fall over toys left about...and it looks sloppy!
We have a small living room, that really could use some hey, it works for us! We live in a very old house, and we aim to fix up on room a year, and only when we have the cash to do, in 11 years....ready to laugh....we have only done 2 rooms! LOL...Someday we will get it all done & won't feel a pinch on our purse!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Why I Am Frugal and the Start Of a Frugal House Tour!
Pictured above is a bookshelf my husband just bought at a yard sale for $5! I love how rustic it is and how cheap it was to buy! On it we keep our "special prayers" board, cell phones, there's chalk in the white dish on top, next shelf is where we keep our Bible's and tissue box, next shelf is where I keep my cookbooks that I most often use, bottom shelf is potatoes, papers to change out our "chore cupboard" (it gets, and my purse. Please don't come rob me now that you know where I keep my purse! LOL....just kidding! why am I frugal?? I am frugal by choice and by necessity. When we got married I worked outside the home. We made more money than we do now and only had a small family. We spent every bit of what we made and were not very happy. Ty (my oldest son) got ill when he was a baby and I had to quit my job and stay home to take care of him. We found out we were not any more broke than we were while I was working! We didn't eat out, but I was home to cook, we didn't go on dates, but I was home to "date" hubby all the time...not just see what I'm me staying home, we saved. Then my MIL started teaching me about being frugal and how to do some things to save here and there...and we sarted to see a difference! Fastforward a few years...and here we are with 7 kids...we are now frugal out of necessity! I am so glad that I learned about being frugal when it wasn't so much of a necessity, but a choice. I was so ready when it came down to we added more mouths to feed and more kids to clothe, I was ready! God has blessed us with much...and I want to show Him my love and appreciation by being a good steward of what I have been given!
This is a new blog that I created to record the many ways we try to save money! I big part of my life is about being frugal and learning and trying new ways/things to save a few bucks. I am a stay at home every little bit helps! I am looking forward to having a record of all the things we do...hope to be a help to someone out there! God Bless!
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